Monday, January 17, 2011

Creativity is something of beauty

Arts Explorer #1: My Creative Inspiration

What does creativity mean to me?

Creativity comes with the appreciation of beauty in all its form.

I believe the word creativity can have very different meanings to every individual, but one thing which can be said with confidence is that, creativity is a belief of inner beauty and the ability to portray that in a meaningful way. Whether a person has a passion for painting, drawing, building, creating and/or much more, I believe their inspiration derives off of their inner beauty, as well as their thought and spirit. Creativity is not just having an artistic talent or ability, but being able to draw upon the depths of a person’s inspiration in order to translate that into a product of art. Being able to appreciate beauty in all its form means to accept and embrace one’s unique characteristics. I believe every single person is creative in their own way, no matter how, or in which way they express it. I also believe that children are the most originally creative people by far. Various things can intrigue and spark a child’s imagination, which can then be constructed, drawn, designed etc. Some people can be inspired by a very important aspect or event that has occurred in their life and some can slowly develop an interest, which can turn into a passion.

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.  Art is knowing which ones to keep."  -Scott Adams
My inspiration comes from the colour and design techniques seen in the Science of Beauty. Although I did not adapt this throughout my childhood, I have been interested and embraced the uniqueness of makeup artists throughout my teenage years. Not only am I able to pursue this as a hobby, but I can also be my own teacher when experimenting with the variety of colours, designs and patterns. I am known as the “official makeup artist” of my house which feels pretty great! I hope to continue this type of art throughout my adulthood and inspire others in the same way that I have been.  

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