Friday, April 15, 2011

Speak Against Racism!

Arts Explorer #10: Community Arts Project

Racism is a major issue which I believe is still present in our society today. This topic is related to diversity and social justice as it affects every person in this world. As a group, me and my team decided to present a “big idea” which consists of creating six different “Speak Against Racism” stickers that contain an inspirational quote by various, ethnically diverse, famous pro-activists. A blackberry bar code and website link is provided on the sticker to allow people to share their experiences, thoughts, questions and/or comments to racial acts they have been a part of. Our hopes of creating an online, interactive community for others to help, give advice or even just to let the world know what they are enduring, will raise awareness to the discrimination that still exists today. We have fortunately been sponsored by a printing company who assisted us in creating these stickers at no cost. We have also been supported by Ryerson’s Students Against Racism and hope to have continuous support by other universities as well as well established groups such as Broken Chains. We hope to raise awareness to our growing community about racism and the affects it has on people.

After presenting our idea to the class, we received great feedback from our friends and the professor. We did not get asked any question due to the time limit we had and the other groups that needed to present. We were told that the stickers we have created were very interesting and a great way to raise awareness around the Ryerson University campus. I believe our presentation went very well, as we put forth a lot of time and effort to make our project eye catching, appealing and realistic. We had discussed and covered all areas necessary in making our cause of interest to all. What I could have done differently when presenting our Community Arts Project, would have been to memorize and have a discussion rather than just speaking to our class about our cause. Overall, I believe our presentation went very well and had kept everyone interested in what we had to say.          

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