Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fruit Fun!

Arts Explorer #7: Grocery Shopping With a Twist

      Grocery shopping for some can be a chore and for others, can be fun. I believe it all depends on who is paying for the groceries! As a child, I have always had fun going to the grocery store with my mom. I remember always searching for the packaging that is the most colourful and fun looking, and then beginning my mom to buy it for me. The fruits are also what caught my attention, and still persists even today. There are so many fruits which are rich in colour, texture and design that make eating them even better! Here is a list of fruits that I have seen while grocery shopping:
·         Apples
·         Bananas
·         Peaches
·         Oranges
·         Grapefruits
·         Plums
·         Pears
·         Watermelons
·         Honeydew melons
·         Cantaloupes
·         Strawberries
·         Raspberries
·         Blueberries
·         Grapes
·         Pineapples

All of these fruits have a variety of shapes which make them all unique. Shape can be defined in many ways such as “referring to the outside shape of an object” (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009, p. 140) or “the edge of an enclosed space” (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009, p. 140) and many more. The shapes of these fruits are very different in comparison to each other, which make them each interesting in their own way.  

Schirrmacher, R & Fox J.E. (2009). Art & Creative Development for Young Children. Delmar: Cengage Learning. 

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