Monday, February 14, 2011

Eye Catching Movies

Arts Explorer #5: ‘Art Film’

The ‘art film’ “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, is a very interesting, yet confusing movie. I can see why this movie would be considered an art film as it has a sort of uniqueness through the idea/storyline. This particular movie, aside from the great actors/actresses, had a very tricky storyline which made me think and wonder what was going on at some points. Aside from the actual story of the movie, the settings in which some of the scenes were shot in were absolutely gorgeous! The feelings which were evoked from these settings were chilling because of the interesting sights, as well as the context. The characters in this movie were also showing their abilities in the art of acting. The role which each actor and actress played was phenomenal. The ability to take on completely different characteristics is very difficult and throughout this movie was successfully done.

Balance seems to come to mind when watching the film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”. This is because some of the unique scenery had negative space as well as positive space which seemed to work together in harmony (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009). The way in which the space was used in each scene, at some points, looked awkward but also evoked a sense of interest in how it was displayed and used. The characters appeared to fit in an asymmetric balance (Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009). In some ways, the different images and characters all equally fit together to form balance throughout each scene. Overall this movie, although gave me confused feelings, evoked interest and amusement.       

Schirrmacher, R & Fox J.E. (2009). Art & Creative Development for Young Children. Delmar: Cengage Learning. 

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